
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Third Sunday of Advent: Rejoice!

Third Sunday of ADVENT 
Gaudete Sunday
There is a shift from adoring “The Lord Who is to come”,
to worshipping with joy “The Lord Who is now nigh and close at hand”.

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The name GAUDETE derives from the first word of this Sunday’s
Introit of the Mass from Phil 4:4-5 ... At the heart, it is a command...
Gaudete in Domino semper ~ Rejoice in the Lord always

Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say,rejoice.  
 Indeed the Lord is near.

"We cannot be messengers of God's consolation
if we do not experience first the joy
of being consoled and loved by Him....

When we remain in prayerful silence in His presence,
when we meet Him in the Eucharist
or in the sacrament of Reconciliation.
All this consoles us!"

Pope Francis
December 7, 2014, Angelus address
St Lucy (Santa Lucia)
In Italian, Lucia means "light"
Virgin, Martyr
Sicily ~ 283-304
Patron of blindness and eye problems
Feast Day - December 13
(Happy Day, Happy Anniversary to
Jeff, Fr Spencer, Sr Marie Vianney and the Johnsons -
14 years in the Church!)

 Sentenced to be defiled in a brothel, Lucy asserted:

"No one's body is polluted so as to endanger the soul if it has not pleased the mind. If you were to lift my hand to your idol and so make me offer against my will, I would still be guiltless in the sight of the true God, who judges according to the will and knows all things. If now, against my will, you cause me to be polluted, a twofold purity will be gloriously imputed to me. You cannot bend my will to your purpose; whatever you do to my body, that cannot happen to me."

 St Lucia, pray for us!

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