
Thursday, February 18, 2016

The life of the soul...

"First let a little love find entrance into their hearts,
and the rest will follow." - St Philip Neri
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"O most marvelous sacrament!
How can I find words to praise You!
You are the life of the soul,
the medicament healing our wounds,
our comforter when we are overburdened,
the memorial of Jesus Christ,
the proof of His love,
the most precious precept of His testament,
our companion in the pilgrimage of life,
the joy sustaining us in our exile,
the burning coal kindling the fire of divine love,
the instrument of grace,
the pledge of eternal bliss
and the treasure of Christians.
Ven Louis of Granada (+1588)
Compose your own litany of praise for 
our Eucharistic Lord!

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