
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Central point of our lives...

Fifth Sunday of Lent*
*Final Lenten Sunday before Palm Sunday

Give me justice, O God, and plead my cause against a nation that is faithless.  
From the deceitful and cunning rescue me, for you, O God,
are my strength. - Entrance Antiphon (Today's Liturgy) 

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“Without the Eucharist,
the Church would not exist. 
The holy Eucharist
is the central point of our life. 

I remember once a priest I met. He never talked at great length
about the sufferings, persecutions and tortures, but he mentioned
that even in prison, all the priests would celebrate the liturgy.

We were amazed; how could this be possible?
Where did you get a Chalice and a Paten?

He took off his glasses and said:
'This is what we used; one lens served as the chalice
with a drop of wine and on the other a piece of bread
was placed, which served as the paten.'

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This is how they celebrated the liturgy in the prison
or around the premises of the concentration camps.”

Major-Archbishop Swiatoslav Schevchuk
Primate of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

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 We pray, almighty God, that we may always be counted among the 
members of Christ, in whose Body and Blood we have communion. Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.  

- Prayer After Communion  - (Today's Liturgy) 

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Happy and Holy third year Anniversary of your Pontificate, dearest Pope Francis, as you show us the Way... You have the continued pledge 
of our love and prayers!

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