
Saturday, April 2, 2016

From the altar of our hearts... a reminder ... (Easter Saturday)

 "Him whom the heavens cannot contain, the womb of one woman bore. 
She ruled our Ruler.  She carried Him in whom we all are. 
She gave milk to our Bread." - St Augustine, Sermon 184

"When we go before Jesus on the altar,
we always find Him with Mary His Mother,
as the magi did at Bethlehem (Mt 2:11). 

And Jesus in the sacred Host,
from the altar of our hearts,
can repeat to each one of us what He said to
St John the Evangelist from the altar of Calvary,
Behold thy Mother (Jn 19:27). 

Fr Stefano Manelli, O.F.M.

virgin_eucharist.jpg (155×246)


  1. A Happy and Blessed Easter to you and yours dear Jeantte :) I hope this finds you doing well. Thank you for this beautiful post. May the Joy of the Risen Jesus fill your hearts with Joy and Hope! John K

  2. Oh, John - always a JOY to know you have stopped by - and left a message! All is well... He is Risen! Let us continue to dive deep and deeper still in this holy Eastertide - full of light!
