
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Your whole day... an act of worship...

Et regni eius non erit finis - "His kingdom will have no end."
Doesn't it fill you with joy 
to work for a kingdom like that? - St Josemaria Escriva

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"Keep struggling
that the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar
really becomes the centre and the root
of your interior life,
and so your whole day will turn into an act of worship -
an extension of the Mass you have attended 
and a preparation for the next. 

Your whole day will then be an act of worship
that overflows in aspirations,
visits to the Blessed Sacrament and the offering up
of your professional work and of your family life. 

St Josemaria Escriva
Excerpt from The Forge, 69

Painting above:  Simone Martini

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Consider a May altar in your home this year...

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Beneath her statue in its niche,
(Let busy skeptics gaze and glower!)
Engather flowers, fresh and sweet,
Proclaim this Mary's hour....

Poppies for her mother-heart
Wounded past the mind's belief,
Lilies for her purity,
Lilacs for her grief,

For this the fairest blooms were plucked
And placed below her image there,
To offer beauty as a gift
And fragrance as a prayer.

Columbia Journal. May 1954.

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