
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Clear vision...

"We shall not be purified by looking at our miseries,
but by gazing on Him who is all purity and holiness."
- Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
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"I ask to be buried next to a Tabernacle,
so that my bones, after death,
as my tongue and my pen in life,
are saying to those who pass:
There is Jesus! There it is!
Do not let Him abandoned!
Immaculate mother, San Juan, Santas Marias,
take my soul to eternal with the heart of Jesus in heaven." 

Blessed Manuel Gonzalez Garcia
aka the "Bishop of the Tabernacle"
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On Sunday, October 16, 2016, both Bl Elizabeth of the Trinity and
Bl Manuel Gonzalez Garcia will be canonized along with
Bl Salomone LeClercq, Bl Lodovico Pavoni and Bl Alfonso Maria Fusco
Oh, happy day in heaven and on earth!

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