
Tuesday, July 26, 2016


  Let us praise Joachim and Anne, to whom, in their generation, 
the Lord gave Him who was a blessing for all the nations. 
- Entrance Antiphon (Today's Liturgy)

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"Let every knee bend before Thee,
O greatness of my God,
so supremely humbled in the Sacred Host.
May every heart love Thee,
every spirit adore Thee
and every will be subject to Thee!"

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Remembering ...
Sts Joachim and Anne
Parents of the Virgin Mary 
Patron of Grandparents

O God, who willed that your Only Begotten Son should be born from 
among humanity so that by a wonderful mystery humanity 
 might be born again from you, we pray that, in your kindness,
you may sanctify by the spirit of adoption those you have fed
with the Bread you give your children.  Through Christ our Lord. 
(Prayer after Communion, Today's Liturgy)

Sts Joachim and Anne, pray for us!

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