
Monday, September 26, 2016

A Child's Wish (poem) ...

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A Child's Wish

I wish I were the little key
That locks Love's Captive in,
And lets Him out to go and free
A sinful heart from sin.
I wish I were the little bell
that tinkles for the Host
When God comes down each day to dwell
With hearts He loves the most.
I wish I were the chalice fair
That holds the Blood of Love,
When every flash lights holy prayer
Upon its way above.
I wish I were the little flower
So near the Host's sweet face,
Or like the light that half an hour
Burned on the shrine of grace.
I wish I were the altar where
As on His mother's breast
Christ nestles, like a child, fore'er
In Eucharistic rest.
But oh, my God, I wish the most
That my poor heart may be
A home all holy for each Host
That comes in love to me.
Abram J Ryan

Painting above: Child in prayer by Roberto Ferruzzi

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