
Saturday, September 3, 2016

Holy places...

 I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD."
Our feet are standing in your gates, O Jerusalem. - Ps 122:1-2
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Non enim pro locis res, sed pro bonis rebus loca amanda sunt –
"Things are not to be loved for the sake of a place,
but places are to be loved
for the sake of their good things."

Pope St Gregory the Great
Italy ~ 540-604
Doctor of the Church
Prolific writer, untiring servant for Christ
Compiled Antiphony (chants of Church used for Liturgy)
Established Schola Cantorum (Rome's training school for choristers)
Patron:  Popes, Teachers, Choirboys, Musicians, Singers
Feast Day - September 3 

Photo credit: Church Kneeling, Lawrence, OP

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"The sacred Scriptures grow with
the one who reads them."- St Gregory the Great

St Gregory the Great, pray for us!

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