
Sunday, October 23, 2016

See... there is Jesus!...

"The things that we love tell us what we are." - St Thomas Aquinas

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Recently ordained (1901), Fr Manuel Garcia went to visit a church in Palomares del Rio (Spain). 
There he witnessed a horrifying sight. The wooden tabernacle in the church was filthy,
had significant termite damage and surrounded by cobwebs. Fr Garcia was deeply saddened
that the Blessed Sacrament was neglected.
From that moment, he knew what his life’s work must be—to promote devotion to the Eucharist.
For the rest of his life, through writing, preaching, and inspiring, that is exactly what he did.
Bishop Garcia came to be known as “The Bishop of the Tabernacle.”

"I asked to be buried next to a tabernacle,
so that my bones, after death,
as my tongue and my pen in life,
are saying to those who pass:
'There is Jesus!'"

St Manuel Gonzalez Garcia
Spain~ 1877-1940
"The Bishop of the Tabernacle"
Canonized: October 16, 2016

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In seminary he wrote: "If I would be born a thousand times;
a thousand times I would be a priest."

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