
Monday, January 16, 2017

Gravitational pull of the soul ...

 "A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt,
must empty ourselves." - St Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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"Adoration becomes seen as precisely the "gravitational pull" of the soul,
as that activity which puts man in his humanity face to face with his God. 
This stance of the creature before his Creator is the one that I think
more than ever is needed today by the people of our world who so often
have focused their attention on Man and have forgotten God who is their goal. 

It is absolutely necessary that many of us devote ourselves
to adoration; we might say it is something needed by the mystical body.   
... Deep inside the human dough there is a need for people who adore,
people so convinced of the need for what they are doing that
they deprive themselves of all activity on behalf of their human kin. 
They know that they are answering the essential part of their call
by saying again and again to God in the contemporary equivalent
of the desert... You are He Who is; we are those who are not.

Our time has need of these sacrifices offered amongst
people who know nothing of them.  There is a need for voices
crying in the desert.... We give you thanks for your great glory, 
the total oblation of ourselves."

Servant of God Madeleine Delbrel (+1964)

Image above: Praying monks (detail) - Frescoes from the Castle at Casaluce, Naples 

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