
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Above all: centers of devotion to the Eucharist...

FEAST of Our Lady of Lourdes*
February 11
25th WORLD DAY of the SICK

"Dear brothers and sisters - the sick, healthcare workers and volunteers -
I ask you to join me in praying to Mary.  May her maternal intercession 
sustain and accompany our faith, and obtain for us from Christ her Son 
hope along our journey of healing and of health, a sense of fraternity
and responsibility, a commitment to integral human development
and the joy of feeling gratitude whenever God amazes us
by His fidelity and His mercy." -   Pope Francis

(Full text of Letter for XXV World Day of Sick, 2017 - BELOW)

 Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, France
“All the shrines of Mary,
scattered throughout the world,
have become above all
centers of devotion to the Eucharist,
as if the Mother of Jesus had appeared,
here or there,
in order to lead the faithful to the
adoration and love of her blessed Son.”

Pope St John XXIII
*Lourdes, France, has become a place of pilgrimage and healing, but even more of faith.
It is a continuation of Jesus’ healing miracles. Many who visit Lourdes return home 
with renewed faith and a readiness to more generously serve God. 
There still may be people who doubt the apparitions of Lourdes Perhaps 
the best that can be said are the words that introduce the film, Song of Bernadette:

"For those who believe in God, no explanation is necessary.
For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible."

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us, 
and especially the sick and  suffering!

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