
Friday, March 10, 2017

An eye for an eye...

“People often mistake their imagination for their heart,
and so often are convinced they are converted as soon as they 
start thinking of becoming converted.” - Blaise Pascal
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"Eucharistic contemplation
also has an extraordinary power of healing. 
In the desert God ordered Moses to raise a bronze serpent on a pole.
All those bitten by poisonous snakes and then looked
at the bronze serpent were healed. (Cf. Numbers 21:4-9)
Jesus applied the mysterious symbol of the bronze serpent to Himself (Jn 3:14).
What we should do, then, when afflicted by the venomous bites 
of pride, sensuality, and all the other illnesses of the soul is 
not to get lost in vain considerations or seek excuses, but to run before 
the Most Blessed Sacrament, to look at the Host and let healing  
pass through the same organ through which evil so often passes: our eyes.
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The only thing the Holy Spirit asks of us
is that we give Him our time,
even if at the beginning it might seem like lost time.
I will never forget the lesson that was given to me one day in this regard.
I said to God, 'Lord, give me fervor and I will give you all the
time you desire in prayer.'  I found that answer in my heart:
'Raniero, give me your time and I will give you
all the fervor you want in prayer.' "
Fr Raniero Cantalamessa
Preacher to the Papal Household 
Excerpt from This is My Body

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