
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Hidden ... yet seen ...

"Whatever you do, think not of yourself, but of God." 
- St Vincent de Ferrer

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"Christ, the master of humility,
manifests His truth only to the humble
and hides Himself from the proud."  

St Vincent Ferrer
Dominican Friar, missionary, 
renowned preacher, miracle worker
Spain ~ 1350-1419
Ardent promoter of frequent Communion
Felt he was messenger of penance
sent to prepare men for the judgment
Known as "Angel of the last judgment"
Knew the entire Bible by heart
FEAST DAY - April 5
Painting above: Angel with Thurible - Timoleon Carl von Neff


“If you truly want to help the soul of your neighbor, you
should approach God first with all your heart. Ask him simply
to fill you with charitythe greatest of all virtues;
with it you can accomplish what you desire.”- St Vincent Ferrer

Click here: St. Vincent Ferrer - YouTube (2 mins)

"Never begin or end your study 
except by prayer." - St Vincent Ferrer 

St Vincent Ferrer, pray for us!

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