
Saturday, May 27, 2017

O Lord, You are my portion...

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; 
surely I have a delightful inheritance. - Psalm 16:6

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"God, in His promises to hear our prayers, 
is desirous to bestow Himself upon us;
if you find anything better than Him, ask it; 
but if you ask anything beneath Him,
you put an affront upon Him, and hurt yourself
by preferring to Him a creature which He framed.

Pray in the spirit and sentiment of love, 
in which the royal prophet said to Him,
'Thou, O Lord, are my portion.'
Let others choose to themselves portions among creatures, 
for my part, You are my portion,
You alone I have chosen for my whole inheritance."

St Augustine of Canterbury*
*Not to be confused with St Augustine of Hippo
Italian Benedictine monk
sent by Pope Gregory the Great as missionary to England
First Archbishop of Canterbury
Patron of England
Feast Day: May 27

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In a letter to Augustine, Pope Gregory the Great wrote:
"He who would climb to a lofty height must go by steps, not leaps."

St Augustine of Canterbury, pray for us!

ORDAINED to the Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ TODAY*
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Oh, day of all love excelling!
An Old German saying: It is worth wearing out a pair of shoes 
to walk to receive a priest's First Blessing!

Rev Mr Paul Baker~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Rev Mr Bryce Evans ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls 
Rev Mr Nicholas Froehle ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls 
Rev Mr Nicholas Hagen ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls 
Rev Mr Matthew Quail ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls 
Rev Mr Tim Sandquist ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Rev Mr Brandon Theisen ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Rev Mr Chad VanHoose~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Rev Mr Benjamin Wittnebel ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Rev Mr Timothy Wratkowski ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Cathedral of St Paul ~ 10 AM Mass
Rev Mr Samuel Beardslee ~ Diocese of Lincoln (Nebraska) 
Rev Mr Timothy Danek ~ Diocese of Lincoln
Rev Mr Jason Doher~ Diocese of Lincoln
Rev Mr Timothy Kennett ~ Diocese of Lincoln
Rev Mr Andrew Litt ~ Diocese of Lincoln
Cathedral of the Risen Christ ~ 11 AM Mass

Rev Mr Peter Faimega ~ Diocese of St Louis (Missouri)
Rev Mr Michael Lampe ~ Diocese of St Louis
Rev Mr Clark Philipp ~ Diocese of St Louis
Rev Mr John Schneier ~ Diocese of St Louis
Cathedral Basilica of St Louis - 10:00 AM Mass

Rev Mr Andrew Bergkamp~ Diocese of Witchita (Kansas)
Rev Mr JD Betzen ~ Diocese of Witchita
Rev Mr Jacob Carlin ~ Diocese of Witchita
Rev Mr Kyle Dugan ~ Diocese of Witchita
Rev Mr Adam Grelinger ~ Diocese of Witchita
Rev Mr Ed Herzog ~ Diocese of Witchita
Rev Mr Drew Hoffman~ Diocese of Witchita
Rev Mr Clay Kimbro ~ Diocese of Witchita
Rev Mr Andrew Labenz ~ Diocese of Witchita
Rev Mr Jorge Lopez ~ Diocese of Witchita
Church of the Magdalen ~ Witchita  ~10:00 AM Mass

 Rev Mr Kevin Earleywine ~ Diocese of Dubuque (Iowa) 
Rev Mr Ralph Davis ~ Diocese of Dubuque
Rev Mr Andrew Marr ~ Diocese of Dubuque
Rev Mr Austin Wilker ~ Diocese of Dubuque
Cathedral of St Raphael - 10:30 AM Mass  
Rev Mr Mark Bernhard ~ Diocese of Joliet (Illinois)
Rev Mr John Honiotes ~ Diocese of Joliet
Cathedral of St Raymond Nonnatus - 11 AM Mass

Rev Mr Daniel Coronado ~ Diocese of Kansas City (Kansas)
Rev M Michael Guastello ~ Diocese of Kansas City
Cathedral of St Peter - 10:30 AM Mass

Rev Mr Wayne Stock ~ Diocese of Springfield (Illinois)
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception - 10:30 AM Mass
Let us hold them in prayer and offer thanksgiving for their 'YES'! 
Those who let themselves be seized by this Love
cannot help abandoning everything to follow Him."
St. John Paul II, Vita Consecrata #18 

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