
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Christ declared, Christ established...

"For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God
became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into
communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship,
might become a son of God." - St Irenaeus

"(Christ) has declared the cup, a part of creation,
to be His own Blood, 
from which He causes our blood to flow; 
the bread, a part of creation,
He has established as His own Body,
from which He gives increase to our bodies.”

St. Irenaeus
Nee Smyrna ~ 125-202 AD
Disciple of Polycarp
(Polycarp: disciple of St John the Apostle)
Bishop of Lyons, Father of the Church
Theologian, prolific writer
Masterpiece - Adversus Haereses (Against Heresies)*
*(Detailed refute on teachings of Gnosticism)
Against Heresies is source of the quote above
FEAST DAY - June 28
Stained glass above: St Martha Church, Nuremberg (c. 1390) 

stirenaeusoflyons.jpg (220×401)

"That in which we have faith is a firm system directed to the salvation of men; and, since it has been received by the Church, we guard it.……..In the Church, God has placed apostles, prophets, and doctors, and all the other means through which the Spirit works; in all of which none have any part who do not conform to the Church.  On the contrary, they defraud themselves of life by their wicked opinion and most wretched behavior. ~ St Irenaeus

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