
Monday, June 5, 2017

God's strengthening aid...

 For My flesh is real food
and My blood is real drink. - John 6:55

"Let us stand fast in what is right,
and prepare our souls for trial.
Let us wait upon God's strengthening aid 
and say to Him:
O Lord, you have been our refuge
in all generations."

St Boniface
Benedictine monk, Bishop, Martyr
675 - 754
nee England ~ Missionary
Known as  Apostle of Germany
Patron:  Germany, brewers, World Youth Day
Feast Day - June 5

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"Let us be neither dogs that do not bark nor silent onlookers 
nor paid servants who run away before the wolf.
Instead let us be careful shepherds watching over
Christ's flock.  Let us preach the whole of God's plan to the 
powerful and to the humble, to rich and to poor, to men
of every rank and age, as far as God gives us the strength,
in season and out of season. " - St Boniface

St Boniface, pray for us!

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