
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Walking as one - in charity....

"A people who adores God in the Eucharist is a people who 
walks in charity." Pope Francis – 21 June 2014, homily

"...the Eucharist has gathered us together. The Body of the Lord makes of us one, one family, the people of God united around Jesus, Bread of Life. That which I said to the young people, I say to all of you: if you will adore Christ, follow Him and walk with Him, your diocesan Church and your parishes will grow in faith and charity, in the joy of evangelizing.
You will be a Church in which fathers, mothers, priests, religious, catechists, children, the elderly and the young walk alongside each other, support each other, help each other, love each other like brothers, especially in moments of difficulty.

Mary, Eucharistic Woman, whom you venerate in many sanctuaries ... precedes you in this pilgrimage of faith. May she always help you to stay united so that, even by means of your witness, the Lord may continue to give life to the world."

Pope Francis ~ Homily, 21 June 2014

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