
Sunday, August 27, 2017

Knowing our place... in Him...

"Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.
We have come to believe and know that you are
the Holy One of God." - St Peter (Gospel of John 6:68,69)

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 "Jesus transforms a white particle
into Himself
every day
in order to communicate His life to you. 
What's more,
with a love that is greater still,
He wants to transform you
into Himself."

St Therese of Lisieux

Today is Sunday.... and as a 4th century cleric reminds:
"The Lord's Day is the lord of days"...
nonetheless... also happily remembering...

St Monica: Feast Day, August 27
St Augustine has left us this praise of his mother, St Monica:
"She did not let a day pass without being present
at the Divine Sacrifice before Your altar, O Lord."

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   Click here: St. Monica - YouTube (2 mins)

Prayer for St Monica's intercession
Exemplary mother of the great Augustine,
you perseveringly pursued your wayward son not
with wild threats but with prayerful cries to heaven.
Intercede for all mothers in our day so that they 
may learn to draw their children to God. Teach them
how to remain close to their children, even the prodigal
sons and daughters who have sadly gone astray. Amen.
St Monica, pray for us!

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