
Friday, January 19, 2018

Altar, tabernacle, monstrance... all three...

"Be then My altar, holy and free of every stain. ... if you are My altar, 
you will continually experience the sacrifice of the Incarnate Word 
within yourself ... and the most intense fire of His love. .... 

If your heart is My altar, I also want it to be the tabernacle in which 
I hide... I will cure your wounds with My most precious graces,
and you will alleviate Mine with your love and with your 
unknown sorrows... I shall be your sweet secret...
I will guard your soul, mysteriously communicating with it.  ...

My dear child, you shall listen to Me if you are My silent tabernacle
and I will say to you, 'Learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart.' ... The tabernacle is My heaven on earth. ... but no, it is still not enough; 
I desire to come even closer, closer to you. ... 

You will always be My monstrance - that is, you will be touching, 
in direct contact, with the Beloved of your soul! ... 
In the Eucharist I arrive at the ultimate limits of love ...
Let the Eucharist be everything for your heart,
transforming yourself into it, so as to attract ... 
let this Eucharist be your love, all your love! ...

Be, then, My altar, My tabernacle, and My monstrance. 
where I sacrifice Myself. 
hide Myself, 
and manifest Myself."

Jesus to Conception Cabrera de Armida (Conchita)
Excerpt from HOLY HOURS (Alba House)
Translated by Sr Dolores Icaza, rcscj, and 
Mary Candless

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