
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Eucharistic Adoration: fundamental...

"Let every knee bend before Thee, O greatness of my God, 
so supremely humbled in the Sacred Host. 
May every heart love Thee, every spirit adore Thee
and every will be subject to Thee!" - St Margaret Mary Alacoque

"In receiving holy Communion, we enter into the 'Holy of Holies'
which is Christ Himself, thus partaking of the high-priestly action which is the 
'source and summit' of the Catholic faith and the great dignity of the human race -
to participate in the divine action of the Incarnate Word.

Therefore, we must practice worthy reception, and so we should understand
the practice of Eucharistic Adoration not as a substitute for receiving holy Communion, 
nor an alternative to it, nor a nice 'add-on' for certain extra-pious people, but rather 
as fundamental to the practice of worthy reception of holy Communion

In Adoration I practice that love of the Lord, that desire for Him, that 
proper disposition I need in order to receive the graces of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. 
In Adoration I present myself before the Lord who is present by the Holy Spirit
in His Body and Blood, so that I can be with Him and thank Him 
for His mercy and goodness, for the gift of salvation and transformation
of life that He offers to me in the Eucharist.
In Adoration, I re-sensitize myself to this Real Presence, and this helps
to assure that I will always be prepared to receive the Eucharistic Lord
in proper reverence and disposition of heart."

Fr Byron Hagan
Archdiocese of St Paul- Minneapolis

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Happy and Holy fifth year Anniversary of your Pontificate
dearest Pope Francis, as you show us the Way... 
You have the continued pledge of our love and prayers!

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