
Monday, April 23, 2018

Life: heart-whole, mind-whole...

Jesus said to him:  Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, 
and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.  - Matt 22:37

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"There is something to be done on our side.  
The wheat must be ground into bread, the wine must be pressed out 
of the grape, before we can give our Lord the opportunity 
to work His miracle of Transubstantiation.  

The offertory first, 
man stretching out his hands to God; 
then the consecration, 
God accepting and transforming man's gift. 

We must come to meet Him, 
come to meet Him early in the morning, 
when sleep has smoothed away for us the memories of yesterday, 
and no cares have yet assailed us to disturb the equilibrium of our lives.  
We must hand over the direction of our lives to Him, 
if we are to know what it means to live an ordered life, 
heart-whole and mind-whole in a world like ours.  

Then we can go to Communion."

From The Window in the Wall, Reflections on the Holy Eucharist
by Ronald Knox (Sheed & Ward: 1956) - pg 51-52.

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