
Friday, November 16, 2018

Sts G and G, pray for us! ...

"All the blessed in heaven hold palms in their hands,
to tell us that every adult who is saved must be a martyr
either of blood or of patience." - St Alphonsus Ligouri 

"O God of love, my Savior,
eternally sweet and tender,
heart and soul I thirst for You! 
You fill my soul; and yet
the more I taste of You, the more I hunger.
The deeper I drink of You, the more I thirst. 
Come, Jesus!  Come, Lord!" 

St Gertrude the Great
Germany ~ 1256 – 1302
Benedictine nun, mystic
Patroness of West Indies
Advocate of devotion to the Sacred Heart
FEAST DAY – November 16

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O Sacred Heart of Jesus, fountain of eternal life, Your Heart is a glowing furnace of Love. You are my refuge and my sanctuary. O my adorable and loving Savior, consume my heart with the burning fire with which Yours is aflamed. Pour down on my soul those graces which flow from Your love. Let my heart be united with Yours. Let my will be conformed to Yours in all things. May Your Will be the rule of all my desires and actions. Amen. ~ Saint Gertrude the Great

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St Gertrude, pray for us!

“I feel a great sweetness
when I receive Holy Communion
at the Virgin Mary’s feet;
it seems like I get younger and I tell her
the facts like they really are.”

St Giuseppe Moscati
Italy ~ 1880-1927
Physician, Medical Professor, Miracle Worker
Advocate of devotion to the Sacred Heart
Pioneer in field of biochemistry whose research 
led to the discovery of insulin as a cure for diabetes
Must see film: St Giuseppe Moscati: Doctor to the Poor (2007)
FEAST DAY - November 16

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"And if for the truths's sake you should sacrifice yourself and your life,
be strong in your sacrifice." - St Giuseppe Moscati

The Jesuit Giovanni Aromatisi had been Prof. Moscati’s friend for several years. He had a good knowledge of his habits and was his spiritual counsellor. ...

“He was used to visiting our Gesù Nuovo Church. He heard and served my Mass many times. The cult of the Holy Sacrament was at the centre of his life. Each time he served my Mass, when he looked at the Eucharist, he had such a light in his glance, that my eyes could hardly bear it. At the moment of Holy Communion, I had to lower my eyes. He has often prescribed a ‘Eucharist cure’ to young boys suffering from physical weakness, as a source of every strength.”

Click here: St. Giuseppe Moscati - YouTube (5:30 mins)

My husband and I have a growing devotion to St Giuseppe 
and never tire of introducing him to others!
We heartily encourage you to get to know him and ask for his intercession!
Consider giving your Doctor a DVD of St Giuseppe's life for Christmas! - 

St Giuseppe, pray for us! 

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