
Friday, May 24, 2019

Day by day...

 Your faith is growing more and more, and the love
every one of you has for each other is increasing. - II Thes 1: 3b

201109_iceLakesAutumnHike.jpg (700×525)

"The day's food
for the day's march...
that is 
what Holy Communion
is meant to be."

Msgr Ronald Knox

Consider becoming a daily Communicant!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Janette, Great job with the "one a day" posts over the past years. I too have tried to keep shedding Light on the absolute source, center and summit of our Holy Catholic Church, the Holy Eucharist. It is now 21 years since my reversion and I think the crisis is reaching new heights and depths.

    Our two boys are heading to college and our adopted daughter is growing into womanhood way to fast.

    Please pray for us here in Texas.

    My blog is greatly misunderstood because I to not "toe the line" and separate what God has created good. My use of light and rainbows is too much for most who see me as a mole for the "other side." I wish we could do a reset to 1963 and consider the future without reference to the "so-called" rainbow flag of Gilbert Baker.

    At my reversion, I received into my soul three little words..."IT'S ALL TRUE."

    The rest is my cross and portion and maybe my salvation too.

    God bless you sister.

    My wife hails from Iowa. I keep telling her its real flat there.

