
Sunday, August 25, 2019

To know, love and serve... the Lord's Day! ...

This is the day which the LORD has made; 
let us rejoice and be glad in it.  -   Psalm 118:24
"The Sunday celebration of the Lord's Day and His Eucharist
is at the heart of the Church's life." - CCC 2177
"Leave everything on the Lord's Day and run diligently to your assembly,
because it is your praise of God. Otherwise, what excuse will they make 
to God, those who do not come together on the Lord's Day 
to hear the word of life and feed on the divine nourishment 
which lasts forever?"- Didascalia, 3rd c
"The Lord's Day has structured the history
of the Church through two thousand years:
how could we think that it
will not continue to shape her future?"
St John Paul II in Dies Domini

 Apostolic letter regarding Sunday - worth the read! -
especially on a Sunday afternoon or evening!
Catechism: in the Life in Christ section (2174- 2195) also excellent

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