
Thursday, October 3, 2019

How consoling is the Eucharist...

“If you lean with all your weight upon Providence,
you will find yourselves well supported. - St Theodore

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"How consoling is the mystery of the Eucharist! 
If we knew how to appreciate it,
it would suffice to fortify and sustain us.

Is there anything sweeter than to have a friend
to whom we may at any hour
confide our difficulties and our pain?"

St Theodore Guerin
France ~ 1798 -1856
aka: St Theodora
Foundress:  Sisters of Providence 
of Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods
Feast Day - Oct 3

"Without distinction of persons, do good to all
for the love of God." - St Mother Theodore Guerin

At the time of her beatification, Pope JPII pronounced the life of Mother Theodore Guerin as "a perfect blend of humanness and holiness".

Painting above: Jose Gallagos (1900)

St Theodora, pray for us!

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