
Monday, October 14, 2019

Saintward bound...

"God would never inspire me with desires
which cannot be realised; so in spite of my littleness
I can hope to be a saint." - St Therese of Lisieux

"As believers, all of us are called to live our lives
for and from the Eucharist because
then we will be living our lives for and from Jesus. 
These graces, these principles, 
were and are the building blocks we see 
in the lives of all the saints.  They can be found
in every single biography of every single saint." 
Fr Barry Braum 
That I May See
Journeying from Spiritual Confusion and Blindness
to the Radiance of the Eucharist
Adoratio Press (2017)
  Painting below: Jeanne Illenye

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