
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Few who give Him all...

"There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body,
the soul is on its knees." - Victor Hugo

"There are not as many souls who go astray, 
as there are souls who go through life, 
half-perfected, half-formed, half in love with God.

There are not as many crosses and trials
trampled down and cast back into the face of God, 
as there are inspirations of grace unheeded, 
and invitations to intimacy with God declined. 

There are thousands upon thousands, and thousands again 
in the world and in the cloister who lead magnificent lives and who are pleasing to God, but there are few who give Him all, 
few who live with Him always in His Living Tabernacle."

from In Love With The Divine Outcast
compiled by A Religious
Pelligrini and Co - Australia (1934) pg 52

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