
Monday, March 30, 2020

His love has no sunset...

"Love is never finished."
Pope Benedict XVI

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"The presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is proof that his love for us has no sunset. He is the Desired of the everlasting hills, and he puts into our hearts the desire to live close to him.
The stresses and hurts and partings of life often bear down on us, and we may tend to feel alone as when the sun has gone down. The words of St. Augustine can lift us "He neither rises nor sets because he abides always." So our lives do not have to go down into the shadows.
It was at evening time that the risen Lord restored the desolate spirits of two disciples by revealing his presence to them "in the breaking of the bread." They pleaded with him "Stay with us, for it is towards evening." (Lk 24,29). We too can plead with him, "Lord, be with us, both at sunrise and at sunset..."
In the Holy Eucharist the only Son of God, Jesus Christ, fulfills his promise to be with us always. What consolation, how could we be lonely?  From all the sunsets to all the sunrises "He neither rises nor sets because he abides always." (St. Augustine)."

- from the writings of Msgr. John Moloney, P.P. 
Dublin, Ireland (+2014)

“Every day has been a great day as a priest."
As quoted on the celebration of his
70th Anniversary of priesthood Ordination

Above: Chalice and host painting: Craig Gallagher

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