
Saturday, August 22, 2020

Queenship of Mary...

 "I shall sing a hymn to the mother, the Queen, whom I joyously 
approach in praise, gladly celebrating her wonders in song. . . 
Our tongue cannot worthily praise thee, O Lady; for thou who 
hast borne Christ the king art exalted above the seraphim. . .  
Hail, O Queen of the world; hail, O Mary, Queen of us all."
-  Axathistos (Byzantine hymn) 

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Feast of Queenship of Mary
August 22*
*Octave of Feast of the Assumption (August 15)

 Feast established - Pope Pius XII - October 11, 1954
Encyclical Letter "Ad Caeli Reginam."
He points out that Mary deserves the title because she is Mother of God, 
because she is closely associated as the New Eve with Jesus’ redemptive work, 
because of her preeminent perfection and because of her intercessory power.

“When she became Mother of the Creator,
she truly became Queen 
of every creature.”St. John Damascene

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"Every time the Son of God comes again to us 
in the “poverty” of the sacramental signs of bread and wine, 
the seeds of that new history wherein the mighty are 
“put down from their thrones” 
and “those of low degree are exalted” (cf. Lk 1:52), 
take root in the world. Mary sings of the “new heavens” 
and the “new earth” which find in the Eucharist 
their anticipation and in some sense their programme 
and plan. The Magnificat expresses Mary's spirituality,
 and there is nothing greater than this spirituality for 
helping us to experience the mystery of the Eucharist. 

The Eucharist has been given to us 
so that our life, like that of Mary, 
may become completely a Magnificat!   

Ecclesia de Eucharistia (58)

Mary, then, is a Queen; but for our common consolation, 
be it known that she is a Queen so sweet, clement, 
and so ready to help us that Holy Church wills 
that we salute her as Queen of Mercy.  
Mary is Queen of Mercy as Jesus is King of Justice.” 
St. Alphonsus de Liguori - Glories of Mary

Click here: The Queenship of Mary - YouTube (2 mins)

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“It is true that Our Lady is Queen of Heaven and earth,
but at the same time 
she is more Mother than Queen.” 
 St. Therese of Lisieux

 Mary, our Mother, Queen of Heaven, 
pray for us!

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