
Saturday, February 13, 2021

Letting go of distractions...

The LORD gives strength to His people;
the LORD blesses His people with peace. Psalm 29:11

“Anytime you come into 
the Eucharistic presence of the Lord 

and find that you are distracted and anxious 
about situations in your life, you can begin 
your prayer time with a litany of mercy 
as a way of letting go of all these thoughts.

Let me suggest a method that has helped me. 
Simply begin asking the Holy Spirit 
to pray in youand then respond 
to each of the distractions and anxieties 
– from whatever source – with short prayers 
such as: ‘Jesus, mercy’ or ‘Jesus, I trust in You.’

Imagine that each of the distractions, anxieties, 
fears, or hurts is a slide-show.  Project one ‘slide’ at a time 
on the wall and pray your response, and then 
move on to the next ‘slide.’ You will be surprised when 
suddenly you have run through all your slides 
and are at peace in the presence of the Lord.”

Fr George W Kosicki, CSB

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