
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

This Lent: unique...

"Few souls understand what God would accomplish 
in them if they were to abandon themselves 
unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow
 His grace to mold them accordingly." 
- St Ignatius Loyola

"We entreat you not to offer God's grace 
an ineffectual welcome (II Cor 6:1).  

Yes, God's grace can fill us this Lent, 
provided we do not close the doors of our heart
We must be well-disposed, we must really want to change; 
we cannot play with God's grace. ...

We cannot regard this Lent 
as just another liturgical season 
which has simply happened to come around again. 
It is a unique time: 
a divine aid which we should accept. 

Jesus is passing by and He hopes that we will 
take a great step forward — today, now."

St Josemaria Escriva
Christ is Passing By, 59

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