
Saturday, March 13, 2021

Silence veils - to reveal...

 Listen to me in silence. - Isaiah 41:1

"There is a great risk that Christians may become idolaters
if they lose the meaning of silence.  ...
Words can bring with them the temptation of the golden calf! 

Only silence leads man beyond words,
to the mysteries, to worship in spirit and in truth. ...
Silence is a form of mystagogy;
it brings us into the mystery without spoiling it. ... 

It seems to me that silence veils the mysteries,
not to hide them, but to reveal them. 
The mysteries can be uttered only in silence. 
Thus, in the liturgy, the language of the mysteries is silent."

Robert Cardinal Sarah
in The Power of Silence
Against the Dictatorship of Noise
(Ignatius Press, 2017)

Novena to St Joseph - Day #4

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