
Sunday, April 4, 2021

Death, where is thy sting? He is Risen!...

"This is the night of which it is written: 
The night shall be as bright as day, dazzling is the night for me,
and full of gladness. The sanctifying power of this night 
dispels all wickedness, washes faults away, 
restores innocence to the fallen,
and joy to the mourners,drives out hatred, 
fosters concord, and brings down the mighty."  
From Exultet, intoned during Easter Vigil 

"Poor death, where is your sting?
Poor hell, where is your triumph?
Christ steps out of the tomb and you are
reduced to nothing!

Christ rises and the angels are wild with delight.
Christ rises and life is set free.
Christ rises and graves are emptied of dead.

Oh yes, for He broke from the tomb like a flower,
a beautiful fruit: the first fruit of those already gone.
All glory be His, all success and power . . .
forever and ever."

St John Chrysosotom
Excerpt from Easter homily
387 AD

Painting above: Pietro Novelli, The Resurrection of Christ


"If we are honest, we have been taxed and tried throughout the 
course of this past year in countless ways.  As we long to move 
forward, we will likely be able to admit that amid
the inconveniences, the human difficulties, the disappointments, 
frustrations, grief, cultural and political turmoil and even loss of 
loved ones and so much that is familiar, something has died and 
needs to come to life in us again.  Fear and anxiety and restlessness have buffeted all of us,  And yet, through it all, Christ is with us still and inviting us to believe that He is alive - and 
desirous to share with us His mission to save the world and set it
free from the ultimate victory of sin and death.  In the growing din
of the media and turmoil all about us, let us take note of the one
headline in the news which comes as a trumpet blast upon a weary 
and sad world.  "He is alive; the tomb is empty!"  Hope springs 
eternal this Easter.  How much we need that hope and how much 
Christ longs to be the source and foundation of our hope!"

Fr Spencer Howe
Holy Cross Catholic Church
Archdiocese of St Paul - Minneapolis


Christ is risen to go before us:
our Brother
 to the Father,
our Priest 
to the Altar.
our Saviour to the world!

Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!

 Alleluia!     Alleluia!     Alleluia!

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
By His great mercy we have been born anew 
to a living hope 

through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead 
and to an inheritance which is . . . kept in Heaven for you. -
 1 Pet 1:3
Divine Mercy Novena Day #3

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