
Sunday, September 5, 2021

Belonging entirely ... to Jesus...

For every living soul belongs to me, 
the father as well as the son -
 both alike belong to me.  - Ezekiel 18:4a

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"Our Hours of adoration
will be special hours 
of reparation for sins, and intercession 
for the needs of the whole world, 
exposing the sin-sick and suffering humanity 
to the healingsustaining 
and transforming rays of Jesus, 
radiating from the Eucharist."

St Teresa of Calcutta

The Lord's Day is the lord of days...
but today also remembering... 
St Teresa of Calcutta 
Feast Day - September 5
nee Albania ~ 1910-1997
Foundress - Missionaries of Charity
Co-patron of India
August 26, 1910 ~ September 5, 1997
Click here: Mother Teresa: How to Love God - YouTube
(in her words...)


"By blood, I am Albanian.  
By citizenship, an Indian. 
By faith, I am a Catholic nun.  
As to my calling, I belong to the world.  
As to my heart, I belong entirely 
to the Heart of Jesus."- St  Teresa of Calcutta

St Mother Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us!

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