
Thursday, February 24, 2022

For all: pledge of future glory!...

"For myself, I believe that were it not for holy Mass, 
the world would at this moment be in the abyss, 
unable to bear up under the load of its iniquities."
 - St Leonard of Port Maurice, Hidden Treasure: Holy Mass

“O Jesus, present in the Sacrament of the altar,
teach all the nations to serve you with willing hearts,
knowing that to serve God is to reign. 

May your sacrament, O Jesus, 
be light to the mind, 
strength to the will, 
joy to the heart. 
May it be the support of the weak,
the comfort of the suffering, 
the wayfaring bread of salvation for the dying
and for all 
the pledge of future glory.  Amen.”

Pope St John XXIII

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