
Sunday, February 6, 2022

Something greater is here...

 "Our present time and the future of the world
are illuminated by Christ's Eucharistic presence 
and are desperate for His action."
Bl Jame Alberione
"One summer's day I was celebrating Mass in a convent. 
The Gospel passage was Matthew 12:1; I shall never forget
the impression these words of Jesus made on me:
'Behold, something greater than Jonah is here....
Something greater than Solomon is here.'
Surely I was hearing them for the first time! 
I understood that the word 'here' really meant here,
in this precise place, at this precise moment, and
not only when Jesus was on earth many centuries ago. 
A shudder ran through me and I was shaken out of my torpor: 
right there in front of me was something greater
than Jonah, something greater than Solomon,
than Abraham, then Moses:
there was the Son of the living God!
I understood the meaning of the words:
'Lo I am with you always...' (Mt 28:20)."
Raniero Cantalamessa (now Cardinal)

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