
Monday, March 7, 2022

One Bread, One Body...

  Jesus Christ is in heaven for the elect; He is in the Most Blessed Sacrament for journeying man. - St. Peter Julian Eymard

Excerpt from article 03/06/22

The testimonies reaching the international foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) are very moving. One comes from Fr. Mateusz, from the Roman Catholic parish of St. Anthony in the Ukrainian capital. In an audio message to ACN he reports: “For security reasons I can’t say much about the place where we have found refuge. There are already more than 30 of us here, including a few children, and we are experiencing God’s accompanying presence every day. …People have told me that there is a lot of anger and despair out there. People are crying and mourning a lot. It’s an atmosphere that is infectious. With us the atmosphere is different. Every day we pray together and adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament."

Every night Fr. Mateusz spends hours with his little community in Eucharistic adoration. That gives them great strength, says the priest. “Recently, during evening adoration, I said to the Lord: ‘I am ready for everything, and I thank you for my whole life.’ And I thought about what kind of plans God has for us, for this parish, for the believers and for Ukraine. If that can become seed, the seed of hope and of faith for other people, then we are happy.” ...

Despite the increasingly heavy attacks on Kyiv, one thing is very important to Fr. Mateusz and his little community in the aid raid shelter: “We are trusting that the voices of the war victims, the orphans and the widows are reaching everyone in the world – not to stir hatred in hearts or to sow bitterness. A Christian should pray for his enemies. And therefore, we should guard ourselves against all hatred and violence!” 

Truth Himself Apostolate adorers:
Let us pray in solidarity with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters.  
Lord, bring strength, wisdom and peace to Fr Mateusz.

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