
Saturday, April 2, 2022

Approaching, participating... in life eternal...

"It is impossible to look upon the Divinity and not to love it.
However, here below we do not see it, but only 
have a glimpse of it through the shadows of faith, 
seeing as in a mirror." St Francis de Sales

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Byzantine Hymn 
Sung between Consecration and Communion

“Now the heavenly powers join invisibly
with us in adoration.

Behold, it is the King of Glory
Who is coming in procession.
that which is carried
is the mystical sacrifice already completed.

In faith and in awe
do we approach to participate in life eternal.”

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Remembering St John Paul II 
Anniversary of death: 2 April 2005

"In that little Host is the solution to all the problems of the world."

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