
Friday, April 8, 2022

Drawing near and nearer still to the Trinity...

"We worship a living God who acts, who breathes, 
who exhales His very Self." - Paul Claudel

 “The 'door' to enter into the Trinity 
is one, Jesus Christ.
With His death and resurrection He inaugurated for us
a new a living way to enter into the holy of holies 
which is the Trinity (cf. Hebrews 10, 19-20), 
and He has left us the means to be able 
to follow Him on this path of return. 
The first and most universal is the Church. 

When one wishes to go across a strait of the sea, 
Augustine said, the most important thing 
is not to be on the bank and to point our sight 
to see what is on the opposite shore, but it is to 
get into the boat that takes one to the other bank

Also for us the most important thing is not to 
speculate about the Trinity, but to remain 
in the faith of the Church which goes to it. 
In the Church, the means par excellence 
is the Eucharist.” 

Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
Preacher of the Pontifical Household
Lenten homily, 16 March 2012

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