
Saturday, July 2, 2022

Balsam beyond all price...

You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your fathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the Precious Blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. - I Peter 1:18-19

Most Precious Blood of life eternal,
price and ransom of the whole universe, drink and bath of the soul,
ever pleading the cause of man before the throne of heavenly Mercy.
I adore Thee most profoundly: I would, if I were able, make to Thee some compensation for the outrages and wrongs Thou dost ever suffer from men.
Who will not bless this Blood of value infinite? Who does not feel himself
inflamed with the love of Jesus, who shed it all for us?
What should I be but for this Blood, which hath redeemed me?
And who drew it out of the veins of my Lord, even unto the last drop?

It was love. O immense love, which gave to us this saving Balsam!
O Balsam beyond all price,
streaming forth from the Fount of immeasurable love!
Give to all hearts, all tongues, power to praise, celebrate,
and thank Thee, now and ever, and throughout all eternity. Amen.

From the Raccolta (19th c)


July: month of the Precious Blood


"Such surpassing love suggests, nay demands, 
that everyone reborn in the torrents of that Blood
adore it with grateful love." - Sanguis Christi, Pope St John XXIII

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