
Sunday, September 18, 2022

Be ablaze with enthusiasm...

"All living creatures are sparks 
from the radiation of God's brilliance, 
emerging from God like the rays of the sun."
St Hildegard von Bingen

"Be not lax in celebrating.
Be not lazy in the festive service of God. 
Be ablaze with enthusiasm. 
Let us be an alive, burning offering 
before the altar of God."

St Hildegard von Bingen
Germany -- 1098-1179
Benedictine Abbess
Writer, composer, philosopher, mystic,
visionary, medical writer and practitioner
Patron of musicians and writers
Canonized and declared Doctor of the Church 
in 2012 (Pope Bendict XVI)
"Thus am I, a feather on the breath of God."
Feast Day: Sept 17

"The mystery of God hugs you 
in its all-encompassing arms."
St Hildegard von Bingen

"Holy Spirit, the life that gives life:  
You are the cause of all movement. 
Your are the breath of all creatures. 
You are the salve that purifies our souls. 
You are the ointement that heals our wounds.  
You are the fire that warms our hearts. 
You are the light that guides our feet .
Let all the world praise You."
 St Hildegard von Bingen

"Even in a world that's being shipwrecked, 
remain brave and strong." 
St Hildgard von Bingen

St Hildegard von Bingen, pray for us!

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