
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Love's interior...

   "May my life be a continual prayer, 
long act of love."- St Elizabeth of the Trinity

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"Love draws its object into itself;
we draw Jesus into ourselves; 
Jesus draws us into Himself.
Then carried above ourselves into love's interior,
seeking God, we go to meet Him, to meet His Spirit, 
which is His love, and this love burns us, consumes us, 
and draws us into unity where beatitude awaits us.  
Jesus meant this when He said: 'With great desire 
have I desired to eat this Pasch with you.'"
From Collected Works of Elizabeth of the Trinity, vol 1, pg 100

St Elizabeth of the Trinity
France ~ 1880-1906
Carmelite nun, writer, mystic
Patron of sick people and loss of parents
Last words: 
"I am going to Light, to Love, to Life!"
Feast Day - Nov 8

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"By our actions we tell Him of our love." 
St Elizabeth of the Trinity

"Jesus gives His cross to His true friends
so He can come even closer to them."
St Elizabeth of the Trinity

"O my God, Trinity whom I adore, 
help me forget myself entirely
so to establish myself in you, 
unmovable and peaceful 
as if my soul were already in eternity." 
 St Elizabeth of the Trinity

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