
Friday, March 24, 2023

Encountering Christ... his tabernacle will I sacrifice with shouts of joy: 
I will sing and make music to the LORD.
...Your face, LORD, will I seek. - Psalm 27:6b, 8b

"Christianity is not a new philosophy or a new form of morality. 
We are only Christians if we encounter Christ... 
We can encounter Christ in reading Holy Scripture
in prayer and in the liturgical life of the Church - 
touch Christ's heart and feel that Christ touches ours. 
And it is only in this personal relationship with Christ,
in this meeting with the Risen One
that we are truly Christian." 
Pope Benedict XVI
Reflections on the conversion of St Paul

+ Prayer + Fasting + Almsgiving +
Happily remembering today...

Traditional Feast of St Gabriel the Archangel,
patron of telecommunications and diplomats
March 24

A day in history:  24 March 2011
Adoration Chapel, 
Cathedral of St Paul (Minnesota)
Inspiration Day
Seven Sisters Apostolate...
committed to praying for priests.

A Seven Sister: one holy hour/one priest/
each week/one heart of prayer

Visit the Apostolate website… leave a comment!
this growing, international Apostolate!
"In strengthening the priest you strengthen the whole Church. ...
Strengthen the priest and
you strengthen the whole foundation,
you strengthen everything in the Church."
Fr Gerald Fitzgerald, s.P.

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