
Friday, July 21, 2023

The Visit...

  "The [Eucharistic] Visit is the practice which guides and influences 
our whole life... It draws together the fruits of all other practices 
and brings them to fruition. It is the great means for 
living Jesus Christ.  It is the great means for putting adolescence aside and forming a personality in Christ 
It is the secret for our transformation in Christ. 
It is experiencing the relationship of Jesus with His Father 
and with humanity. It is the guarantee of perseverance." 
 Bl James Alberione

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The Eucharistic Visit

The Visit is a meeting of our soul
and of our whole being with Jesus.
It is the creature meeting the Creator;
the disciple before the Divine Master;
the patient with the Doctor of souls;
the poor one appealing to the Rich One;
the thirsty one drinking at the Font;
the weak before the Almighty;
the tempted seeking sure Refuge;
the blind person searching for the Light;
the friend who goes to the True Friend;
the lost sheep sought by the Divine Shepherd;
the wayward heart who finds the Way;
the unenlightened one who finds Wisdom;
the bride
 who finds the Spouse of the soul;
the “nothing” who finds the All;
the afflicted who finds the Consoler;
the seeker who finds life’s meaning.

Bl James Alberione (+1971)

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