
Friday, August 4, 2023

The hungry soul: satisfied...

"All the good works in the world are not 
equal to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass 
because they are the works of men; 
but the Mass is the work of God.  
Martyrdom is nothing in comparison 
for it is but the sacrifice of man to God; 
but the Mass is the sacrifice of God for man."  
St John Vianney

"A mortal man, a creature
feeds himself, satiates himself, with his God, 
taking him for his daily bread, his drink ...
O miracle of miracles! ... 
O love of loves! ... 
O joy of joys!"

St John Vianney
France ~ 1786-1859
Universal patron of priests
Ability to read souls
Patron of Confessors
Feast Day - August 4 

Remain humble, remain simple.  
The more you are so, the more 
good you will do." - St John Vianney

"Oh, how I like those little mortifications 
that are seen by nobody, such as 
rising a quarter of an hour sooner, rising for a little 
while in the night to pray!" St John Vianney

"Prayer is the inner bath of love into which
 the soul plunges itself." - St John Vianney

St John Vianney, pray for us!  

Jan Van Kessel

Pray for our priests!
Here is one way...
through offering Holy Hours

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