
Sunday, August 13, 2023

The real reason to live...

 "When the Lord Jesus instituted the Eucharist, his intention was for us to organize our hearts around the Eucharist. Though our weeks might be busy and our schedules might be full, the real reason to live is on Sunday. The real reason to live is the Eucharist.

For what could be greater than the Eucharist? A thousand other words or acts might feel better on the natural level. A conversation with a friend, a gentle stroll through the outdoors, or just relaxing at home might feel better than going to Mass or Divine Liturgy, but in truth there is nothing on earth greater than the Eucharist. There is no greater Love in our midst.

We sometimes hear of the “Sunday obligation.” To go to Mass or the Divine Liturgy on Sunday is indeed an obligation, but those who understand in the depths of their hearts what the Eucharist really is scarcely feel it as an obligation. Rather, the Eucharist is our joy and our all. We want to go. For the Eucharist is the true fountain of Life. Innumerable graces flow from the Eucharist into our souls, and innumerable graces flow into our world. For the Eucharist is Jesus Christ himself, and “from his fullness we have all received grace upon grace” (Jn. 1:16)."

Fr James Dominic Brent, O.P. (From the Kingdom of Grace series,

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