
Sunday, September 3, 2023

Good and holy places...

  I rejoiced with those who said to me, 
"Let us go to the house of the LORD."
Our feet are standing in your gates, O Jerusalem. 
Ps 122:1-2

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Non enim pro locis res, 
sed pro bonis rebus loca amanda sunt –
"Things are not to be loved 
for the sake of a place,
but places are to be loved
for the sake of their good things."

Pope St Gregory the Great

The Lord's Day is the lord of days...
but also remembering...
Feast Day - September 3 
 Pope St Gregory the Great
Italy ~ 540-604
Doctor of the Church
Prolific writer, untiring servant for Christ
Compiled Antiphony (chants of Church used for Liturgy)
Established Schola Cantorum 
(Rome's training school for choristers)
Patron:  Popes, Teachers, Choirboys, Musicians, Singers

Photo credit: Church Kneeling, Lawrence, OP

“It is not by faith that you will come 
to know [God] but by love;
not by mere conviction, but by action.”
 St Gregory the Great

"The sacred Scriptures grow with
the one who reads them."
St Gregory the Great

"You don't climb a mountain in leaps and bounds, 
but by taking it slowly."- St Gregory the Great

St Gregory the Great, pray for us!

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