
Sunday, October 22, 2023

To be or not to be...

  "When confronted with the abyss of evil,
the only response is the abyss of love. 
 St John Paul II

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"We must understand 
that in order 'to do',
we must first learn 'to be',
that is to say, in the 
sweet company of Jesus 
in adoration." - St JP II

The Lord's day is the lord of days, 
but also remembering today... 
St John Paul II
Feast Day - October 22
1920 - 2005
nee: Karol J Wojtyla (Poland)
Pope: 1978 - 2005
Apostle of the Eucharist
Prolific writer
Inaugurated (and now Patron of) 
World Youth Day
and World Meeting of Families

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“If He asks much of you, it is because
He knows you can give much.”  St John Paul II

St John Paul II, pray for us!

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