
Saturday, February 3, 2024

Everything flows from the altar...

For we do not preach ourselves, 
but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves 
as your servants for Jesus' sake. 
 2 Cor 4:5


Invoked for the healing of throat diseases, St. Blaise wrote:

“Father of mercy and God of all consolation, 
graciously look upon me and impart to me 
the blessing which flows from this 
Holy Sacrament [the Eucharist].  Overshadow 
me with Your loving kindness, and 
let this divine Mystery bear fruit in me." 

 St Blaise
Armenia + 316
Physician, Bishop, Martyr
Patron of Throat Diseases
and the Wool Trade
Feast Day – Feb 3
 Image:Cristi Lucaci | Shutterstock

At first he was a doctor who … Attended human life … And then he ministered to souls … In spiritual strife … A bishop in Armenia … St. Blaise acquired fame … By many healings he performed … In God’s most holy name … Especially the little child  … Who nearly choked to death … And through St Blaise’s prayers returned  … To free and normal breath … And that is why one day each year … His saintliness we note … And ask his prayers to guard us from … Diseases of the throat … And even more important to … St Blaise’s great renown … Is all the torture he endured … To earn his martyr’s crown. 

Protect our throats, St Blaise, from all … Those sicknesses today … And from the utterance of words … That we should never say … Lend wisdom to our voice, St Blaise … And pray that we may be … Forever steadfast in our faith … For God eternally.

From Poem Portraits of the Saints by James J Metcalfe (1956)

Today's blessing:  
Through the intercession of Saint Blaise, 
bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from every 
disease of the throat and from every other illness. 
In the name of the Father, 
and of the Son, 
+ and of the Holy Spirit.

St Blaise, pray for us!

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